Saturday, 1 September 2012

Saturday Afternoon Foolin'

John turned up with a random fireblade, then preceded to steal me Honda for an afternoon countryside ride. Nice.

I also realised I look like an idiot in sunglasses....hmmmm

I love Stickers - take 2

Lee was kind enough to also cut me some of the RM stickers in a really big format. Love 'em!

Killer Digger for Sale

Benny's just finished his Killer Digger - This thing is fuggin' awesome.

You know you want it - details here or contact the boy himself on 01562 730429

The bikes gonna be at the Trip Out next weekend and can be collected from there.

Step Thru's - 90cc's of cool

It's not new news that the builders in Japan can take any old piece of crap and turn it into something too cool for school, but the latest run of Honda Cubs i've been seeing really are something special......

Now do i want a Honda 90 to play with?